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Personnel Policies Committees

Certified Personnel Policies Committee


Election Process

The election for the teacher members of the PPC shall be conducted by the PPC by October 15th of each year. The election shall be conducted with the use of a secret ballot and shall be conducted electronically whenever possible and practical. A teacher may cast a ballot to vote for the candidate(s) the teacher is eligible to vote for. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner.


Rotation System for Elections

Odd Year Elections
  • Rogers High School
  • Oakdale Middle School and Lingle Middle School
  • Non-student group*, Pre-K Department, New Technology High School
  • All feeder schools to Oakdale and Lingle Middle Schools

Even Year Elections

  • Rogers Heritage High School
  • Elmwood Middle School and Kirksey Middle School
  • Crossroads, R.E.A.P.
  • All feeder schools to Elmwood and Kirksey Middle Schools


District Policy

GBB - Certified Personnel Policies Committee

Please note: due to technical issues, some recordings are not available.


Classified Personnel Policies Committee


Election Process

The election for the non-management members of the PPC shall be conducted by the CPPC by October 15th of each year. The election shall be conducted with the use of a secret ballot and shall be conducted electronically whenever possible and practical. A non-management employee may cast a ballot to vote for the candidate(s) the non-management employee is eligible to vote for. The candidate who receives the highest number of votes shall be declared the winner.

If an election to fill positions on the CPPC is not conducted by October 15th, the Board of Directors may appoint an individual to fill the position that was up for election.


Rotation System for Elections

Odd Year Elections
  • Maintenance and operations representative
  • Transportation representative
  • Foodservice representative

Even Year Elections

  • Secretarial/clerical representative
  • Aides and paraprofessional representative
  • Nurses, social workers, and any other identified groups not otherwise represented


District Policy

NGBB - Classified Personnel Policies Committee

Please note: due to technical issues, some recordings are not available.