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PD Records-KALPA

RPS uses KALPA to manage PD records. 

KALPA Website: 

Login Information:

  •  District ID  = RPS 

  •  LOGIN ID = Your network username (FIRST.LAST) don't use entire email address

  •  PASSWORD = Your network password (The same used to login into the network)

1. How does professional development get recorded in KALPA?

The majority of activities are created and managed by admin in your building or district.  An activity gets created by an administrator, they add who should be attending the activity.  Participants can be pre-registered, receive email reminders, and appear on sign-in sheet printed from KALPA. Participants are often asked to complete a survey once PD session is complete.  Upon completion of the session, the administrator of the activity marks the activity TAKEN and credit appears in the participant’s PD portfolio.

2.  Special Requests

This process is used when an educator attends a workshop OUTSIDE the district and needs to add this training to their PD portfolio, or is making up credit for a MISSED PD CONTRACT DAY. After completion of the activity, complete and submit a SPECIAL REQUEST within KALPA--upload any certificates of completion or other types of verification. Depending on the circumstances, the request will be for one of these requirements:

The request goes to the building principal for approval.  The building principal may require the user to upload verification of attendance such as a certificate, attendance records, program agenda, etc.  Upon approval of the special request, the credit will be added to the user’s PD portfolio. DO NOT submit a special request for an activity that is provided through district PD sessions.  REPORTS FROM THE COOP ARE ENTERED INTO INDIVIDUAL KALPA RECORDS each month.  PLEASE DO NOT ENTER SPECIAL REQUESTS FOR WORKSHOPS COMPLETED AT THE COOP.

3.  User Information in KALPA can be changed or updated as follows:

Email Cindy Coleman with questions about adding/removing users, or updating positions: